首先,我要说狗是肉食动物,而不是杂食性或者草食性的动物。 其次,狗的消化系统与人的消化系统的构造是完全不同的!所以人吃的食品,特别是人吃剩下的饭菜不要给狗吃,否则会引起腹泻甚至致命的疾病。 第三、食物对于狗来说是很重要的,如果长期喂食单一的食物,可能会引起某些营养素的缺乏或者是过量而导致疾病的产生。 所以我建议在专业宠物医师的指导下根据狗狗的年龄大小、体重以及身体状况来制定出一套适合您的爱犬的食物搭配食谱;这样既能让狗狗保持最佳状态,又不会导致营养的流失和过量。 另外提醒您一点,如果您想给自家的爱犬吃狗粮的话一定要注意:购买正规厂家的商品粮并且要按照规定的分量来进行投喂哦~千万不要给它吃太多啦~因为吃多了不但会发胖而且还容易引发疾病呢~ 在平时的生活中也可以适当地添加些蔬果等作为辅食哦~但是量不宜过多以免引起消化不良等问题哟! 最后祝您和您的小宝贝能够健康快乐成长每一天呐嘻嘻嘻~
饲饵疗法(feeding therapy)是利用饲料中的营养物质或药物对机体进行补充治疗的一种方法。它是在兽医临床观察的基础上发展起来的,目前已成为一种重要的治疗手段之一。通过这种治疗方法可以纠正营养不良及代谢紊乱等疾病的发生和发展过程,从而达到预防或治愈疾病的目的;同时还可以用来增强免疫机能,提高机体抵抗力以对付病原微生物侵袭而获得康复的机会。因此,在临床上应合理使用饲饵疗法以达到最佳治疗效果. 【英文翻译】 Feeding Therapy is the use of food or drugs to supplement body nutrients for therapeutic treatment method. It is based on clinical observations and has become an important means in veterinary medicine. The practice can correct malnutrition and metabolic disorders, prevent and cure diseases by enhancing immune function through feeding therapies so that pathogenic microorganisms are resisted more effectively after disease recovery period arrives at a steady state stage with improved general condition as compared before illness onset when it was not strong enough yet against pathogens invading host's bodies initially during infection courses leading up from incubation stages until final development into active forms capable of multiplying quickly inside living organisms such human beings if left uncontrolled without proper intervention measures being applied timely earlier then they should be done immediately once their existence were detected already long time ago but ignored till now due negligence caused by lackadaisical attitudes adopted carelessly towards them which eventually leads down to these conditions taking place presently today we find ourselves helpless because our defensive systems had been badly damaged beyond repairable levels prior beginning starting off since past several decades back even though there still exists some residual resistance power remaining within every single individual person here over ground upon this planet surface world wide everywhere globally all across continents around whole round