

1. 药物成分(mg/kg) 【通用名】甲硝唑 【英文名】METRONIDAZOLE 【商品名】迈灵达、新诺明、灭滴灵、甲硝哒唑、灭滴唑 【别名】甲消唑;甲硝碘戊胺;甲硝咪唑,二甲双胍;灭滴醇;灭滴灵;咪唑乙酚;灭滴唑;甲硝碘萘酯;硝基咪唑;奥消安;灭滴灵片;灭滴片剂;METROMED;MOLTOVANILIN;MOMETRODAL;MITREX;NITROMETAZAC OINT;NITROSDOMINE;ORNOFAR 【化学名】2-甲基-5-硝基咪唑-1-甲醇钠盐,分子式C4H8N2NaO4S,分子量213.16

2. 作用机理 Metronidazole is an antiinflammatory antibiotic with broad spectrum activity against many gram negative and some gram positive bacteria, mycobacteria, protozoa including amoebae and giardia lamblia, rickettsiae and anaerobic bacteria. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of trichomoniasis , amebic or bacterial dysentery, bacillary dyspepsia, anaerobic infections due to clostridium septicum, Clostridium difficle, Bacteroides fragilis complex, Campylobacter jejuni infection , Helicobacter pylori infections 和 enterococcal endocarditis. The drug exhibits antimetabolic action by inhibiting DNA synthesis both in bacteria and fungi, thus it is bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal as do other antibiotics. In higher organisms metronidazole appears to have a weak oxidizing effect on the cytoplasm, resulting in the formation of reactive oxygen species which lead to cell death. Studies suggest that this occurs mainly at sites where there is inflammation. This mode of action may explain its use in inflammatory bowel disease , rheumatoid arthritis和 osteomyelitis, although data are limited for these indications (AHRQ EPSDT). When used to treat Lyme disease , metronidazole is believed to work primarily by preventing Borrelia burgdorferi from spreading to new areas within the body rather than killing them, but it’s unclear whether it even works well enough to justify the side effects. For more details see Mechanism Of Action. Note:Metronidazole should not be administered intravenously owing to the risk of phlebitis.

3. 对狗狗的影响 甲硝呋烷是一种广谱抗微生物制剂,对革兰阳性细菌和厌氧菌有抑制作用。它能抑制细菌核酸的氧化还原反应而发挥作用, 但不影响细菌的蛋白质合成(与青霉素不同), 所以仅能起抑菌作用而不能杀菌。它对某些厌氧菌引起的感染疗效显著,如阿米巴痢疾和厌氧菌性口腔炎及肠道脓肿等,但对葡萄球菌或大肠杆菌感染的溃疡创面则无效。临床上用于治疗犬钩端螺旋体病和厌氧菌所致的皮肤化脓性炎症及其他细菌感染性疾病。本品毒性较低,大剂量使用


这个药不是宠物用的,是犬科的。 它主要的作用是抗感染和止血的... 它的作用机理是通过抑制细菌合成细胞壁来达到抑制细菌繁殖的作用(细菌的生长与增殖需要一种叫做磷壁酸的物质);另一方面,由于细菌在繁殖期会大量产生内毒素导致机体中毒死亡从而起到杀菌效果。所以它是广谱抗菌药啊!对革兰阴性菌有强效杀灭作用。 对青霉素类敏感菌引起的各种严重的细菌感染性疾病,比如败血症、化脓性脑膜炎以及呼吸道感染的炎症反应等都有很好的疗效呢~
